
Library of UCSF

date:2020/10/16 10:34:36 hot:2313

    The UCSF archives serve as the official repository for the preservation of selected records, printed and born-digital materials. The archives also include rare and unique materials that support research and teaching in the history of the health sciences. As a visiting student in UCSF, my experience with the Library came from many perspectives.

     I still remembered how shocked I am when I first came to the library of UCSF, not surprised by its tons of books or highly digital materials, but by its widely accessible to community. In the library, there were many homeless sitting there, either reading paper or just having a rest on the couch. The library in UCSF is not only a vital place for community, collaboration, but also dedicated for serving community.

    Another thing impressed me is its conveniences for students. It seemed everything is available whenever and whatever you want. One time I forgot to take my laptop, but I need it for a meeting. Luckily, the library had the free laptop lending service, and it only took less than 5 minutes for me to borrow it. The laptop was also in a good condition and it helped me to finish my meeting.

By  Kou Wen/ Lin Juanzhen

Edited by Office of International Cooperation and Communication