
Commencement Ceremony is held for the class of 2020 of the First School of Clinical Medicine

date:2020/6/4 16:14:33 hot:2232

    On the afternoon of June 2, the Commencement Ceremony for the class of 2020 of the First School of Clinical Medicine was held at East Chengguan Campus.  Leaders of Lanzhou University Wang Rui, Zhao Shewen, Li Xun, Yang Yongxiu, the teachers’ representatives and all the graduates attended the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Yang Yongxiu, Deputy Party Secretary and Executive President of the First School of Clinical Medicine.

    The leaders extended warm congratulations and heartfelt blessings to the graduates, and expressed their high respect to all teachers and medical workers who have worked diligently to cultivate students. They hope the students could take those anti-epidemic heroes as their examples, learn from the virtuous, and strive to be the pioneers of this time. 


    The ceremony ended with the solemn school song of Lanzhou University.

By Lin Juanzhen/Liu Yatao

Edited by Office of International Cooperation and Communication