
German Trauma and Emergency specialists visit our hospital

date:2019/9/7 9:17:05 hot:1916

      From September 2nd to September 4th, 2019, at the invitation of Dean Li Xun, Professor Michael Nerlich, high-level expert of the Foreign Experts Bureau of the Ministry of Science and Technology, former Chairman of the German Society of Trauma and Orthopaedics and Dean of the Trauma Hospital of Regensburg University, Director Michaela Huber from the Emergency Department of the Hospital of Regensburg University, Director Christian Waydhas from the Department of Trauma and Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, Bochum University visited our hospital and gave guidance on the improvement of the treatment capacity of trauma patients as well as the construction of trauma center.

      Focusing on trauma center construction, the professors delivered lectures on six aspects: international standard trauma treatment technology, key examination, diagnosis and treatment process, infrastructure construction layout and equipment configuration, personnel training, quality control and trauma treatment network. After lecturing, they went to the new building to check the construction progress of emergency department, trauma treatment room and supporting imaging examination, HYBRID-OR and other regions. Besides that, the foreign experts also visited the current emergency department, critical care medicine and operating room, discussing the trauma treatment process and key node quality control. In combination with clinical cases, the foreign experts and the specialists in trauma treatment of our hospital conducted detailed and in-depth MDT case discussions on the patients with severe trauma, analyzed the trauma treatment process, data registration and quality control, and discussed multi-disciplinary team cooperation in trauma treatment as well as the improvement measures for efficient diagnosis.

      In order to further improve the trauma treatment capacity and help trauma center construction, Professor Michael Nerlich was invited as the Guesting Professor of the First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Professor Christian Waydhas and Professor Michaela Huber as Distinguished Instructors of first hospital of Lanzhou University. At the same time, in order to support the construction of the trauma center in our hospital, on behalf of the Trauma and Orthopaedic Branch of German-Chinese Society of Medicine, Professor Michael Nerlich donated the first baseline research start-up fund for trauma treatment capacity to the trauma treatment team.

      On a three-day visit, the trauma treatment and trauma center construction in our hospital has been recognized by the experts. What’s more, they proposed a series of process reengineering and continuous optimization programs for the new building construction, which has a milestone significance for the improvement of trauma treatment in our hospital. Professor Michael Nerlich said that he and the other experts at the University of Regensburg as well as the Trauma and Orthopaedic Branch of German-Chinese Society of Medicine will continue to cooperate with the First Hospital of Lanzhou University for a long time and believed our hospital will construct the first trauma center that meets international standards in Gansu Province. Dean Li Xun, other leaders and experts said that our hospital will establish a network of trauma treatment in Gansu province to further enhance trauma treatment ability for patients with severe trauma, and make contribution to the treatment of trauma patients in Gansu Province and even the northwest region of China.

By Lin Juanzhen/Liu Yatao

Edited by Office of International Cooperation and Communication